Low oil pressure JD 720 diesel


My 720 has a problem that when the engine heats up , the oil pressure drops to almost zero. I started using 50wt racing oil and this helps a little, but still I have to turn the adjusting screw all the way in to keep the pressure about 15 psi at 1000rpm. At lower rpm it goes to almost zero.

When the tractor first starts up, the pressure is 60 plus and I have to adjust the screw out to keep it at about 40. But in about an 30 min after the tractor warms up the pressured starts to drop.

My question is , which bearings would cause this? When I try to move the fly wheel i feel no free play or movement in the bearing. Would rod bearings cause this kind of drop in pressure drop? Are they easy to replace in a 720 diesel?

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