Lowering 'H' LIft-All Pump


Well-known Member
Question; am ready to lower the Lift-All pump, 1950 Farmall "H", do those two big hex-head bolts, one each side of the torque tube, centered, have to come out? Looks like they might thread right into the pump. I got a toolbox mounted int he way, would be easier to just leave them. Thanks.
There are 4 bolts that hold the belly pump in. They are at the bottom. You also need to remove the fill cap, the lever, and the 3 pipes that screw in from the side. 2 on the left, and 1 on the right. You also need to remove the drive coupling. There is nothing else that needs to be removed.
Yep, just like rusty said...be careful, I'm not sure the weight difference between the H and M belly pumps but the M pump is heavy and awkward and I imagine that the H is not to far off.
The two bolts in the side of the clutch are just plugging holes. As long as they are not too long they will not interfere with removing the Lift-All pump. Originally those holes would have been filled with corks.

I used to remove and install those pumps by myself without any jack or threaded rods. They have gotten a lot heavier today than they were 40 - 50 years ago!
I use ye ole threaded rod method...very slow but very safe. 4 threaded rods, about 2 ft. long...screw one in as you remove the cap screws that hold up pump. Put a nut 3/8 on each rod first.. Remove all plumbing, make sure the pump drive coupling is in a vertical position so the pump will come down. Open a cold one, and lower away.

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