LP's as collector Tractors,


Are Lp's as collectible as other fuel types. I have heard that even due to the fact that fewer Lp's are made gas and diesels are worth more since many people do not like the look of tank and are not familiar with fueling a LP. Value wise, are they worth as much as a gas or diesel?
The LP tractors really can be good collector items if the style of tractor fits your personal taste. The propane tanks should be cleaned and painted to be one of the prettiest parts of the tractor. It should really add to the good looks of the machine. The cross mounted tanks have at least one end that can look nice, and present lots of color. Some look nice on both sides with the valves toward the driver, this is a plus for the appearance of the tractor on both sides. Refueling is not much of a problem if your local propane supplier knows that you need fuel on occasion. A small 7 gallon tank with a transfer hose is good to keep on hand in case you completely run out. Old propane tank guages usually leak and need replacing to prevent the loss of your fuel. A new guage is about $100 investment that will keep your first $50 tank of propane from just disappearing. ----Derrol in Texas ( Case LA Propane)
The answer is, it depends. If you are from an area where LP tractors were common then they are not real collectible. If you are from an area like WI where they were rare as hens teeth, they are really desirable for shows and parades. Either fortunately or unfortunately, you will not get rich restoring and collecting Case tractors whatever they are fueled by...people go nuts for the hit and miss 40 years behind in engineering machines.
They are also pretty rare here in the east. I would think the older LP tractors would be more desirable, like an LP DC.

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