M-602 to tractor show in area


I want to drive my newly rebuilt M-602 to a tractor show about 6 miles away. Before it was rebuilt I drove it 8 miles both ways (16)several times with no problems. My problem is I need a ride back so I can
leave it all week end and was wondering if any one has towed a Polaris ranger behind a tractor for this distance?? I would use a trailer if I had one. Don't need to go fifth gear wide open but would want to
move along. Does anyone else tow their ATV around for the the utilization of a ride back?? cleddy
Every farmer around here has a tow bar on the front of their side by side or a small beater pickup and can hook them to the back of the digger, combine, grain cart, semi.. see it a lot around here for a week or two in the spring and fall. Need a tow bar similar to what people use pulling an RV behind a motorhome. If it's only a one or two time deal I think I would just talk nice to someone for a ride. Easier than building a tow bar.
Solutions present themselves. I had family obligations first day so didn't need a ride. However I had figured out how to hook the ATV on the tractor using a couple clevis, a straight bar type drawbar off the 9N ford Tractor and the 3 point on the M-602 and towed the ATV along for a support vehicle the second day. It worked fine and if the show was large I could have used the ATV for ease of walking???? Tractor performed fine so it was all just a extra exercise and next time I would make sure to use a proper size trailer. Cleddy

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