M&W Turbo Charger off of 4020.


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What can anyone expect to pay for an M&W Turbo Charger, 4020 diesel, all needed plumbing included. I have no idea what it is worth. I heard the tractor run with it attached, and it was removed because they were only going to use the tractor to bushog, and rake hay with it. The tractor sounded great. Any ideas what I should offer as I want to be fair and not be taken advantage of either.
That doesn't seem to be a real valid reason to remove the turbo to me, IDK. IF I was looking for one, I would factor in the cost of a replacement turbo. Not too sure I would want to trust and bolt on someone else's used one. YMMV.
To get a "going rate" for something, there has to be an active market for it. That just isn't the case for uncommon/rare desirable items like your M&W turbo kit.

Really it's going to come down to what you and the seller agree on. You're in mostly uncharted territory. Shop around and see what a new replacement turbo would cost to give you a starting point.
I purchased a M&W turbo kit for a 5000 Ford a few years ago for $200, the Ray Ray turbo needs rebuilt or replaced. Another one came up for sale last year with asking price of $1000 but it had a later turbo
Not sure what turbo they used for a 4020 but its condition will have a large effect on the total value
Is the high capacity oil pan included ? A very peculiar type of thinking to remove the turbo and sell it .
Hi Buickanddeere, no, the high capacity oil pan is not included. I cannot blame them for taking it off. With the cost of diesel and how much diesel do you want to burn bush hogging a field? Or raking hay? They are putting the tractor back to stock. It is a restoration project.
Hi Buickanddeere, no, the high capacity oil pan is not included. I cannot blame them for taking it off. With the cost of diesel and how much diesel do you want to burn bush hogging a field? Or raking hay? They are putting the tractor back to stock. It is a restoration project.

"how much diesel do you want to burn"

A.G., are you thinking that having the turbo installed while using the tractor for "light" jobs is going to increase fuel consumption?

Upon what go you base that theory?
Hmmm. With the fuel pump turned up on the tractor, to support the turbo charger, I would say yes, it would. When they took the turbo off, the tractor was definitely pushing more fuel through the pump just when at idle. They will have to have the pump turned down now that it is off.
Hmmm. With the fuel pump turned up on the tractor, to support the turbo charger, I would say yes, it would. When they took the turbo off, the tractor was definitely pushing more fuel through the pump just when at idle. They will have to have the pump turned down now that it is off.
"tractor was definitely pushing more fuel through the pump just when at idle

I'm gonna call "male bovine excrement" on that statement, however if can produce some verifiable numbers to prove otherwise I'm willing to listen!
Adding a turbo to an engine will not increase the amount of fuel used, unless the pump is reset to increase hp
I don’t know the figures for a 4020 but adding a M&W turbo kit to a 5000 Ford gained it 10 hp with no changes to the pump settings, however in most cases once the turbo was added the injection pump was adjusted to add more fuel for even more hp which increases fuel consumption
In short adding a turbo to that 4020 didn’t cause it to use more fuel, it only added more air to the engine to burn the fuel it was getting more efficiently, increasing the fuel rate at the inj pump to take advantage of the increased air flow for even more hp is what caused the increased fuel consumption
Adding a turbo to an engine will not increase the amount of fuel used, unless the pump is reset to increase hp
I don’t know the figures for a 4020 but adding a M&W turbo kit to a 5000 Ford gained it 10 hp with no changes to the pump settings, however in most cases once the turbo was added the injection pump was adjusted to add more fuel for even more hp which increases fuel consumption
In short adding a turbo to that 4020 didn’t cause it to use more fuel, it only added more air to the engine to burn the fuel it was getting more efficiently, increasing the fuel rate at the inj pump to take advantage of the increased air flow for even more hp is what caused the increased fuel consumption
Exactly what you said.
Red Oak Diesel in Red Oak Iowa might give you an idea of price. Bought some parts from them a few years ago.

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