M6060 HDC windshield wiper blade removal

Keith Molden

Well-known Member
Could someone tell me how to remove the windshield wiper blade from an M6060HDC. Also is there any other blade, hopefully from an auto parts store that will interchange, dealer says nearly $60.00 for one
Do a search for windshield. wiper blade refill. I get mine from eBay. Pay attention to the different widths. Cut to length. Some are easier to replace than others.
Just looked at mine, it's an M7060 so it should be the same. It appears to be a standard refill, just push the release, pull out the old refill and put in a new one. No different than changing one on your car or truck.
I got it. I was for some fit of senior moment trying to get blade to push out instead of in. When I finally did it the right way, surprisingly, it slid right off, Duh. 40 years ago I would have said that old man didn't know anything, now I are one and don't anymore LOL
I got it. I was for some fit of senior moment trying to get blade to push out instead of in. When I finally did it the right way, surprisingly, it slid right off, Duh. 40 years ago I would have said that old man didn't know anything, now I are one and don't anymore LOL
Time does indeed change things. I am going through some of the same experiences.

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