Made in China


Here is an e-mail I sent to North Otto Tractor:

I ordered a manifold for my 1945 Allis Chalmers C (Invoice 5310) and was sickened to see the word CHINA molded into the back of the manifold. People who restore vintage tractors do not want to see the word CHINA on the parts they are putting on AMERICAN classic tractors. If I had not needed the manifold so badly, I would have returned it. Instead I took my angle grinder and ground that word off the manifold. Still, I know where it came from. Needless to say, I won't be buying any more parts from North Otto Tractor.
You may just have to give up fixing stuff, then. I have OEM Agco parts, Deere parts, and New Holland parts showing up with CHINA on them, and a good portion of aftermarket stuff is also coming from there. Even the Speeco pto parts, pins, etc. that the farm supply stores sell comes from China now. Face it, for various reasons, industry in the USA has been flushed down the hopper. . . .
We just bought 5 truck tubes for tubing down a river. The box said Firestone, the tube had Firestone on it, and under that it said...Made in China.
I've read and also heard of a few cases where some manufactures are relocating production back tothe U.S. due to to the high cost of shipping due to fuel costs. I guess its true, every cloud has its silver lining.
You know, that's sorta like killing the messenger.

I seriously doubt those folks can help the fact that replacement parts are manufactured in China.....or India or anywhere, besides the USA. I can almost promise you that you and me and everybody else, might as well get used to the idea because until the Fat Cats of big business figure out that in order for us to continue to buy their products, they're going to have to pay us to make them. It all goes in a circle......the Industrialists want all the money for themselves....higher and higher profits. That attitude cooks the Goose that lays the golden egg. Chinamen don't buy 90% of the goods they are making....they couldn't afford them if they wanted too. People making high wages don't mind high prices so us to make the products, we'll pony up to buy them. But, alas the Boss Tweeds in the Tammany Halls of Industry.....want it all for themselves. That is the entire reason everything says; Made in China. Brought to you by sweatshop wages and conditions.
Look at the bright side. With all the scrap steel China is buying from the US there is a good chance the some old Allis tractors were melted down in the batch that made your manifold.
there is one parts magazine that gives you a choice on some parts about where they are made. manifolds, trans parts, and engine parts. Not surprisingly the USA parts are more expensive than CHINA parts

We sell tractor parts! We have the parts you need to repair your tractor - the right parts. Our low prices and years of research make us your best choice when you need parts. Shop Online Today.
