I couldn’t resist a photo of our two “rescue” tractors parked side by side. Both were destined for scrap when we bought them. The 2390 sat for over 15 years when we bought it for scrap price 5 years ago. Previous owner was given $20k estimate from a dealer to repair the transmission so they parked it and bought a new one. We freed up a seized screw in the power shift and drove it home 11 miles.
The 2090 was parked for probably longer and it took a lot more work including a new cab. It was also scrap price.
We leave the duals on mowing because the center pivot discbine can push even a big tractor around on our steep ground.
We would normally rake with our 770 open station but 100+ heat index over the past week called for a tractor with A/C.
Here are photos of the two during grain harvest too.


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Those are both nice tractors. Looks like you did a wonderful job of restoring them. My hats off to ya! Thanks for sharing. Nick
I couldn’t resist a photo of our two “rescue” tractors parked side by side. Both were destined for scrap when we bought them. The 2390 sat for over 15 years when we bought it for scrap price 5 years ago. Previous owner was given $20k estimate from a dealer to repair the transmission so they parked it and bought a new one. We freed up a seized screw in the power shift and drove it home 11 miles.
The 2090 was parked for probably longer and it took a lot more work including a new cab. It was also scrap price.
We leave the duals on mowing because the center pivot discbine can push even a big tractor around on our steep ground.
We would normally rake with our 770 open station but 100+ heat index over the past week called for a tractor with A/C.
Here are photos of the two during grain harvest too.
Great looking team, it sure is fun saving them from the scrap yard. With that small investment they will go back to work as you have done and now fix small things as you go along. Great save. Excellent tractors with good care. Thanks for posting!

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