massey 1155 multi power slip


New User
Hello, I'm new here but obviously having issues with my 1975 Massey 1155. I've done a lot of digging into research on this topic and did a few tests myself without a book so far.
the tractor is going to be slowly turned into a pulling tractor as time goes on.

to start out i picked this thing up and went to drive it home 3 miles and the tractor slipped bad in road gear. i then turned multi power off and got it home. 3 point will go up but won't go down. pto shaft spins but i have nothing to hook it to. I then drained the trans and cleaned the screen then changed the hydro filter on the nose. After that i mad a hydro test gauge and tested multi power ports on top of trans. i don't know what ports for what are but I had the gauge on them all. let's say around 175 psi to 265psi while flipping lever back and forth and revving engine to around 2100rpm " fitting on right side of cover towards back" would this be a clutch pack failure? I am splitting the tractor at some point this week. making my own splitting stand "rails" and i should have it apart in a few days.
There is a Charge Pump under the floor board directly in front of the seat. It has two chambers, One feeds the Main Hydraulic pump at front of the Engine, the other feeds the Multi Power and The PTO Clutch.
The pressures you state sound about right (it's been a long time). The Charge Pump has an Aluminum Body and is subject to Scarring on inside so could be your problem. But the Multi Power Clutch pack could also
be Worn causing it to not stay engaged. If you are Going to Pull it you will probably want to Eliminate All Hydraulics to put more HP to the Wheels I would think. Those Engines are Expensive to Hot Rod but it
has been done.
Pulled the front cover, removed multipower drum, removes clutch pack, checked all bearings on way in.

Everything looks great, clutch pack looks normal and shows no wear.

Is there some kind of adjustment for the multipower that I am missing? Like maybe the presser to the multipower is just not adjusted right?

Currently waiting on new clutch pack just because and seals now.

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