
What are the pros and cons of a Massey 150 gas and diesel, I’ve always wanted one to use in the garden, thanks
My experience with tractors is limited to Farmall BN, Ford 9N and my 150. It's just a woodlot and brush cutter, but it's a great tractor. 7 month rebuild.


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What are the pros and cons of a Massey 150 gas and diesel, I’ve always wanted one to use in the garden, thanks
Poultry farmer I worked for long ago had one as his only tractor - he used it for everything. I thought it was a great tractor. Multi power was confusing as a kid. Perfect size for a small or hobby farm.
I have a couple of diesel 65s and a 50 or two. Based on my experience I believe a diesel 150 would be a great tractor. Get one with the dual clutch and power steering. The 50s are a great size for around the home and garden.
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