Massey 165 gas wont start


So i purchased this tractor last week. put in new points and condenser, new coil, and new plugs. I have gone through the carb, cleaned and installed a new kit, cleaned sediment bowl, cleaned fuel tank. I have good gas flow, spark at plugs are good. I had the tractor fire and run for about 10 seconds on all four, then it died and wont do anything but hit every now and then. Plugs are dry, but when i take the choke off gas runs out the choke horn, when i pull the carb off, the interior of the intake has gas on the side walls and the carb gasket is wet. There is suction when i put my hand over the intake and roll the engine over, both with carb on and off. This tractor sat for a while before i bought i,t so have never had it running, what am i missing? Thanks for any help.
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Many are fooled by the amount of gas that comes out of the carb intake of a downdraft carb, which convinces them the tractor is flooding. You pulled the plugs and they are dry, so that tells you there is no fuel in the cylinders. Pull a couple plugs and dump a couple teaspoons of gas in the hole and screw them back in. If it immediately pops off and hits on those cylinders you have confirmed not enough gas is making it to the cylinders. Brake cleaner may not be strong enough to clean out the passages properly. I have not done it but I have heard of boiling the carb in a vinegar solution. Sounds like a fair home remedy approach. If you have one of the fairer $ex around the house you probably want to find a hot plate or do it on the gas grill instead of in the kitchen. Here is a link to your previous post on the carb cleaning.
Previous post on carb
Not sure how long it has been since it fired. But rechecking the spark to confirm is not a bad idea either.

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