Massey 180 Fuel Filter bowl


180 set for a month in January and when I got back all the fuel was on the floor and the fuel filter glass bowl was broken in several pieces.What could of caused that problem.Fuel had conditioner in it . Ran good in December
180 set for a month in January and when I got back all the fuel was on the floor and the fuel filter glass bowl was broken in several pieces.What could of caused that problem.Fuel had conditioner in it . Ran good in December
Fatigue from years of service, a small chip or crack could have been the starting point. Glass items sometimes just shatter due to temperature changes.
If there was ANY water it might have frozen. I was plowing one spring years ago and one of the two glass bowls broke on my MF 1150, dies like it was out of fuel. I had a nice walk back home when that happened..
I would suspect water froze. However, it doesn't take much of a chip in the rim to help it shatter, like Jim says. I just bought a new bowl that says "heat resistant". Maybe there is something to the changing temperature of glass. steve

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