Massey 265 PTO stops under load

Massey 265 with IPTO.
Got it out for spring Rototilling of a very small garden. As soon as till dug below 3”, it would stop turning. While PtO shaft. Tractor kept humming. Didn’t show any sign of strain. Lift it up, starts spinning again. Turns on and off fine with minimal load, just under load it quits.
Trans- Hydraulic oil was low. Topped it off. No change.
Based off what I am aware of with my 165- PTO is hydraulicaly driven? So, potentially, issue could be a screen/filter whose only access is under the top cover? Or is 265 different?
Where should I start?
Am I missing anything obvious?
Is there a test port on the IPTO cover where handle is? On my 150 it's 125 psi. If muti-power equipped 180-210 psi.
My filter was plugged, brush cutter was slipping. yes, lift cover must come off.
pump has a relief valve on it
And clutches could be burned up in pack
There is a plug on side to check pressure
Massey 265 with IPTO.
Got it out for spring Rototilling of a very small garden. As soon as till dug below 3”, it would stop turning. While PtO shaft. Tractor kept humming. Didn’t show any sign of strain. Lift it up, starts spinning again. Turns on and off fine with minimal load, just under load it quits.
Trans- Hydraulic oil was low. Topped it off. No change.
Based off what I am aware of with my 165- PTO is hydraulicaly driven? So, potentially, issue could be a screen/filter whose only access is under the top cover? Or is 265 different?
Where should I start?
Am I missing anything obvious?
I had this problem on my 135 the filter on the auxiliary pump was clogged and collapsed. I changed the filter and it worked OK
Had to remove the hydraulic top cover to access the filter. Service manual is required before removing hydraulic cover there is a roller on hydraulic
valve actuator to remove otherwise severe damage to hydraulic system will occur.

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Newer units don't have to pull side cover they have a different set up cover just lifts off and then when going back on front goes down first and back last with levers in the up position

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