Massey 85 PTO stops working


New User
It seems that when the tractor heats up, the bucket and 3 point PTO stop working. When we fire it back up after sitting for a few moments it will lift the bucket but slowly.

We used hydraulic fluid we bought at Tractor supply after we rebuilt the power steering. Is it possible the wrong fluid went in? What should have been used?
I will say I am not familiar with the 85. My question is a clarification on what TSC "hydraulic" oil you used. Did you actually use plain hydraulic oil and if so what grade or did you use one of their UTHFs like the black bucket Premium Universal Tractor Trans/Hydraulic Fluid? It makes a difference to wet clutches but should work in any hydraulic system (that does not involve wet clutches or brakes).
That model has two hydraulic pumps, the power steering pump also supplies the PTO shift valve. If steering is OK, the supply line TO the valve MIGHT be out of place. The three point has a separate pump.
I will say I am not familiar with the 85. My question is a clarification on what TSC "hydraulic" oil you used. Did you actually use plain hydraulic oil and if so what grade or did you use one of their UTHFs like the black bucket Premium Universal Tractor Trans/Hydraulic Fluid? It makes a difference to wet clutches but should work in any hydraulic system (that does not involve wet clutches or brakes).
I used a generic based one I think. It came in 5 gallon buckets. I don’t know the exact weight. Could that cause everything to stop working when it gets warm? What is a wet clutch? I am new to the tractor game so that’s a new term to me.
That model has two hydraulic pumps, the power steering pump also supplies the PTO shift valve. If steering is OK, the supply line TO the valve MIGHT be out of place. The three point has a separate pump.
Would that cause it stop working after it’s been running? It seems fine when we first start it but then cuts out as it warms up.
I used a generic based one I think. It came in 5 gallon buckets. I don’t know the exact weight. Could that cause everything to stop working when it gets warm? What is a wet clutch? I am new to the tractor game so that’s a new term to me.
Most oils and fluids are available in 5 gallon buckets so that alone is not an identifier.

A wet clutch or brake runs in oil, which needs to have the correct additives in the fluid, not just "hydraulic" oil. Along the lines of an automatic transmission which has clutches that run in oil. Dieseltech or some can say for certain, but I think your 85 has a wet clutch for the PTO, so you should use a UTHF, not plain hydraulic oil. Best to identify what you did use.

The oil alone should not stop everything from working but is could cause more issues down the road.
Pretty sure those transmissions ran type F transmission fluid. Not 100% on what would be similar...
When new the 85 and Supper 90 came with type A ATF, NOT type F. Later hydraulic transmission oil for wet clutch use will work fine.
That's right! I used to have a 85 and I think I was using IH Hy-Tran in it in the later years.

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