Massey Ferguson 265


Hate to keep bothering all you fine folks
about my 265 but the diesel thing is new
to me. I have 5 tractors and they're all
gas. Lol. Anyway, I'm trying to line up
parts and understand why I keep running
out of fuel. Ran flawless before I took
the fuel filter off to see why it was
leaking around the top o ring. Hasn't run
right since. Old farmer out the road says
it mat be sucking air in around the
filter. He said just get a new filter and
o rings and be done with it. Ok. No
problem. Here's the new issue. My parts
book shows a top head, filter, glass bowl
and stem. My tractor doesn't have a glass
bowl. My bottom is a pot metal cap with a
stud. Cav top head with 3 holes down
through, one bolt to tighten the filter
stem, one bleeder bolt and one line coming
back from the injectors. I'd like the
glass bowl back on it but want to make
sure I buy the right parts. The stem seems
to be hard to find and they make several
different bowls. A replacement assembly
isn't cav style and only has a bleeder
screw and a stem bolt and no place for a
return line from the injectors. The part
number stamped in my bottom plate is
7111/412. My filter is about 5 inches tall
and seems like the filter for the glass
bowl setup is only like 3 inches tall.
Need help with part numbers or where to
find the right parts. Thanks in advance

The filter element is MF # 1896287M91 (Perkins number 26560602) according to both 265 parts books online. Those both cross to WIX 33196. NAPA's 3196 is the same filter. The parts store you use should be able to cross any of those numbers to the filter brand they sell. If you get the filter from MF be sure the gaskets are with it, The aftermarket ones like WIX generally have the required gaskets with them. If you get a WIX or NAPA one be sure you put the top gasket (square cut seal ring) up into the groove in the aluminum housing (after removing the old one), not in the groove inside the head of the element. Doing that will block the fuel flow slots. You may have an extra gasket or two in the package as those elements were used in a few different housings. Use some grease to keep the gasket up in the groove while you install the element.

Unless you did something to damage the housing, bowl, or bolt; those are all reusable components and should not require replacement. It doesn't matter if the bowl is glass or aluminum, over the years they have been used interchangeably, the glass just lets you see what is in it. There is no issue using the aluminum bowl.
Thanks for the reply. The aluminum bottom
I have seems to have the threads about
stripped out of it. When I took the drain
plug out, I noticed the wrench wouldn't
go.on it all the way and after, it looks like jb weld around
it. The threads look almost stripped in
the housing. That's the same filter number
I have but couldn't find a wix cross
reference. The stem that goes up through
the glass bow seems to be a hard part to
find as well. If I could find it, I'd be
gplden. I hate stuff being cobbled up with
jb weld. I'd like it done right. I'd even
replace the pot metal bottom but can't
even find one of those either.

A complete assembly is often less expensive than buying several parts. 1447072M91 is the Massey Ferguson part number for the complete assembly. In checking some of the components it looks like they may not be currently available, at least from the dealer I looked at. The online parts book says the number has changed to 3597838M92. I found several sources for filters to replace the original part number, including All States Ag Parts (YT's parent company). They also showed a used one, but you have to call on that. I didn't find the new number aftermarket in a quick check. Do a search for the first number. It may have a shorter element and be a bit different but would work or go to your Massey Ferguson dealer for one. A CAT dealer might be able to help you as CAT owns Perkins. The parts book says the complete filter is a Perkins 2656090. They might want your engine serial number to look it up. If Diesel Tech sees this he might have a spin on housing and filter he would suggest using in place of yours.
I might have the base for your filter...see photo. Can you reply to my E-mail...bottom right, classic view.


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