Massey Ferguson 35 combine size and weight?

Hi all
I am looking into getting a non running 35 combine about 3 hours away from me for an unbeatable price. However I don't have the equipment to transport machinery that size that far of a distance. I was looking into getting a quote from a machinery transportation company, so what is the size and weight of a 35 combine with a grain header on it? Looks about 8 ft
You need accurate dimensions for the company if it is over 102or 8'6" wide it will now be an oversized load and the price just went up plus the cost of the permit/s. If over 14' high on the trailer some states will require you to have oversized permits even though it is not wide. Again permit/s. I would guess it is not going to be over height on a detach trailer. I would just drive it home if it will run. Otherwise use a dolly under the rear wheels and haul it backwards with another tractor letting the drive wheels just roll along. No permits and not loaded to need them.
Hi all
I am looking into getting a non running 35 combine about 3 hours away from me for an unbeatable price. However I don't have the equipment to transport machinery that size that far of a distance. I was looking into getting a quote from a machinery transportation company, so what is the size and weight of a 35 combine with a grain header on it? Looks about 8 ft
Is it the PT35, (pluu type) or 35 SPself propeled? Big differenceB oth will have a 8foot cut platform but the Spversion will fit on a standar trailer.
I love old combines and approve of saving any old equipment. But I'd advise caution when you say "non-running" and "unbeatable price". Those two phrases seldom go hand-in-hand - especially with old combines. All the the tin work would have to be absolutely mint, screens rock solid, and chains with lots of meat left on them in order to make it worth a three-hour round trip, even at scrap price. If the racoons have nested in the walkers or there's any sign of rusted-out tin around the concaves and auger/conveyor bottoms, it just isn't worth putting any effort into.

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