Massey Ferguson disk harrow question.

Good evening all,
I have an old Massey disk harrow, and Think by pictures its a model 52.
Can anyone give me a parts number for the sleeve that fits inside the bearings for the disk shafts??
Mine has bearings with a round hole in the centre, and a sleeve goes through the bearing, and fits inside the cast spacers.
I lost one of the spacers, the cone shaped one, and the bearing sleeve and sure would like to find these parts to get it ready for spring work!
Its about a thirteen foot disk, and has eleven blades per gang.

any help most appreciated!
That or I go see what the machine shop can come up with.

Thanks for looking and all the best,

Take a look at Shoup they have a lot of tillage parts for all makes. also could look at The IH disks they have something like what you are talking about for a bearing set up might be you could make one of them work too.
Just looked at Shoup site and they show a sleeve and spool pieces for the IH disks that for 1-1/8 square or round shaft and When I look at the Massey parts they only show a spool for the 5,6,and 820 disks. They show a half spool for 7-3/8 or9-1/4 spacing no sleeve for it.
That's sounds like the way the IHC is made,its just a piece of pipe nothing special,and they use a cone shaped piece, where the standard comes down from the frame to the disk shaft, i got two No? 47 IHC disk mine are 7.5 inch spacing !!
The part number for the tube should be 60872m1
The spool half there are a few different options. You should go to Agco parts books Online and see which ones you have. the 60920m1 and 60923m1 spool halves are still available from Massey.
Where are you located?
Thank you gents!
This disk might be cross-bred as one of the spacers I just pulled off has had the inside cut out with a hot wrench to fit over the sleeve.
I mounted these gangs on a Minnie frame, as the Massey frame was rigid and set couldn't be altered. I like to disk down plowing with it, not disk it up, if you know what I mean!
Very good advice to check International or Shoup, but as I'm in Canada Shoup may not be the best bet, apart from getting parts numbers.
Thank you again, I will let you know how I get on.
all best,
West -central Alberta, Wayne.
I checked out CIH, but saw no sleeves the right size, and the flanges were with part numbers, but don't know the actual I/D or O/D's

It seems hard to find stuff these days!

Maple Lane Farm service, in Mt Forest Ontario shows to have one tube. 519-323-4289 ask for Allan. Part number 60872m2
If you need more or they dont have. I have another option.
Did you find the cone half you need?
Good morning Wayne,
Thank you for taking the time to help!
On Monday I called in at the local machine shop.
I showed him examples of the missing parts, and he said he could make the as nowhere I tried had any drawn tube that size.
He phoned yesterday morning just after 7,00 AM and said the parts were ready!

Yes, more expensive than if I could have got them at a dealership but they are beautifully made. two sleeves and two cones.
I had checked International but no tubes the right size there.

Putting it back together now.

Thank you again Wayne.

all the best, Richard.

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