massey harris 701 info


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I am going to look at a couple of 701 balers. one with a Wisconsin engine and one with PTO drive. when in use which was better ?

have never had anything to do with a baler other than a stationary baler on the back of our threshing drum. Just fancied one to go with my MH44 that will bale a couple fo acre hay each year and also use behind our foster drum rather than the Powell bale press we have. Can you run nylon string in them or do yuo have to get the old sisal type? thanks in advance


I am going to look at a couple of 701 balers. one with a Wisconsin engine and one with PTO drive. when in use which was better ?

have never had anything to do with a baler other than a stationary baler on the back of our threshing drum. Just fancied one to go with my MH44 that will bale a couple fo acre hay each year and also use behind our foster drum rather than the Powell bale press we have. Can you run nylon string in them or do yuo have to get the old sisal type? thanks in advance

Get the baler with the engine if you are going to use a tractor that doesn't have Live PTO.

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