Massey Harris Mounted Cultivator

t martin

Does anyone have a way to ID a Massey Harris Mounted Cultivator. I have a 22 that had cultivators on it most of its life. I have the components but really no idea how to mount them up. I would like to do this for display purposes. I know there are books on ebay and such but I am not sure which one I need. Anybody out there able to ID them or have an idea how to install or have pictures of one installed?? Thanks.
Alls I can say is I have seen several different styles over the years. Some were particular to a model, some fit multiple models.
Does anyone have a way to ID a Massey Harris Mounted Cultivator. I have a 22 that had cultivators on it most of its life. I have the components but really no idea how to mount them up. I would like to do this for display purposes. I know there are books on ebay and such but I am not sure which one I need. Anybody out there able to ID them or have an idea how to install or have pictures of one installed?? Thanks.
Got a 22 and the cultivator and the manual for how it mounts. Send me your email and if your not in a hurry. I'll copy it, scan it and send it to you.

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