Massey Harris Pony Bellcrank Wanted


New User
I’m looking for a bellcrank / steering spindle for my 1949 Massey Harris Pony. Mine ate the biscuit pretty quickly after I got the tractor. Looking at the grease vs fresh metal, it looks to me like it was cracked a long time ago.

I’m in Canada; if anyone has one of these they’d be willing to sell, I’d like to get in touch.
I see a few of these Bellcranks on ebay, but sadly none of those sellers are willing to ship to Canada for some reason.

Does anyone know if there are any alternate parts that might fit the Pony, if a pony-original Bellcrank cannot be found? Seems a pity to basically scrap a perfectly running tractor just because of one under-built little part!
I see a few of these Bellcranks on ebay, but sadly none of those sellers are willing to ship to Canada for some reason.

Does anyone know if there are any alternate parts that might fit the Pony, if a pony-original Bellcrank cannot be found? Seems a pity to basically scrap a perfectly running tractor just because of one under-built little part!
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Call PartsASAP (the parent company of Yesterday's Tractor and provider of this site), I believe they will ship to Canada. The loction finder on their website shows they have 3 Canadian locations. I say call as it is best to talk with someone for used parts and many of the used parts, they show on their site say not for sale online. Here is a link to their homepage.

Call PartsASAP (the parent company of Yesterday's Tractor and provider of this site), I believe they will ship to Canada. The loction finder on their website shows they have 3 Canadian locations. I say call as it is best to talk with someone for used parts and many of the used parts, they show on their site say not for sale online. Here is a link to their homepage.

Thanks, I’ll give them a call. Definitely the part isn’t on their site, or at least I haven’t seen it yet. But if they’ve got something in the back that would be great.
Thanks, I’ll give them a call. Definitely the part isn’t on their site, or at least I haven’t seen it yet. But if they’ve got something in the back that would be great.
Many used parts do not get listed on websites as they would spend too much time just listing things they might only have one or two of. That's why I recommend calling salvage yards.
I’m looking for a bellcrank / steering spindle for my 1949 Massey Harris Pony. Mine ate the biscuit pretty quickly after I got the tractor. Looking at the grease vs fresh metal, it looks to me like it was cracked a long time ago.

I’m in Canada; if anyone has one of these they’d be willing to sell, I’d like to get in touch.
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If that was mine, I would take it apart, clean it up and weld a strap around it.
Then put it back together and go.
If that was mine, I would take it apart, clean it up and weld a strap around it.
Then put it back together and go.
I am certainly no welder, but I can try to find someone who is. Perhaps if I get a replacement part, I could take the time to get this one repaired as a spare in case the replacement breaks. It’s a pretty weak looking part.

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