Massey Harris Pony Hydraulic Rebuild kit?

Hello all,

I have a Massey Harris Pony with a leaking hydraulic cylinder. I'm having trouble trying to find a rebuild kit, and am curious if they still make them or if they aren't considered serviceable? I would like to replace gaskets in the cylinder and spool valve. Thanks!
I had a quick look at what I think you are needing. There arent any re-build kits, but it looks like most parts might be available, at least the O-rings and seals. I have a few of them here, and some are available from Massey yet. Contact me through E-mail, on attached photo. Maybe we can find all you need?


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Seals in the cylinder and spool are just orings, and should be available from any decent hydraulic shop. The gasket between the valve and the supply lines can be made.

The pump shaft seal is also an oring, I have had the best luck using an X ring.

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