Massey MF 202 Ignition/starter switch.

I am putting in a new ignition on my Massey MF 202. I was getting ready to purchase the part from this site, and noticed that there are 2 choices
1) Ignition switch with 5 points on the back and 2 )a starter switch with 3 points. I always used these terms interchangeably. Is there a difference? Am I ok to use the 3 point, since i really don't need lights, or any instrumentation. "Thanks
My 202, my MF 50 and MH 50 have a very simple ignition switch. The switch with the key is either on or off and there is a push button for the starter. MY MF 65 diesels have a key that starts the tractor in one direction and runs the preheater in the other, there is no off or on as the diesel has a stop control and accessories are run by an oil pressure switch.
I am putting in a new ignition on my Massey MF 202. I was getting ready to purchase the part from this site, and noticed that there are 2 choices
1) Ignition switch with 5 points on the back and 2 )a starter switch with 3 points. I always used these terms interchangeably. Is there a difference? Am I ok to use the 3 point, since i really don't need lights, or any instrumentation. "Thanks
I would replace it with what's there.

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