Massey pony main jet needed


Looking for the brass plug under the nozzle on a Massey pony tsv16 carburetor. I think it is part of the whole nozzle assembly. This one is pretty buggered up. Anyone know where to get one? I think it is number 25 in the picture. Would also like a new nozzle! Thanks!


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Looking for the brass plug under the nozzle on a Massey pony tsv16 carburetor. I think it is part of the whole nozzle assembly. This one is pretty buggered up. Anyone know where to get one? I think it is number 25 in the picture. Would also like a new nozzle! Thanks!
Same as your post on Tractor & Farm Talk.

Call or email McDonald Carburetor and Ignition. I have had good luck getting parts from them. You can look at their website and may find it listed, but I always call to confirm and order, even if I find what I think is correct on their website. McDonald will also have a kit, if you don't have one, with the other parts you should replace while you have it apart.

Others here likely will be along with places they use.

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