165 like heavy front axle and much better steering system than 35/135. All around great small farm tractor. IMHO


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what are the pros and cons of the Massey 150 with Perkins gas?
Poultry farmer neighbor when I was young had one as his only tractor. He worked the heck out of it for everything. It was pretty tired when it got sold after he died. I really liked driving it, except for the multi-power. He never taught me how to use it correctly. He replaced the original tires with significantly bigger ones and bought a 3 pt log skidder to do some logging - it handled that pretty well.
No offence taken. BUT if you had both you would want to throw rocks at the gas engine after using the diesel awhile.

Oh I've operated both.

No question the diesel is more powerful and probably cheaper to run as well. Those Perkins diesels are pretty tough too.

It's just that I don't like the smell of diesel fuel. Don't like how it lingers on me if I've been working with it and how it gets into my clothes making them almost instantly unwearable anywhere but in the shop or outdoors.

I simply don't like the stench of diesel fuel and now refuse to have anything to do with diesel period.

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