McCormick Grain Drill - What model? How to use?


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So I bought an old grain drill and I'm looking for some help identifying what I have. Please see the attached pictures.

If I can verify the model I'm hoping I can find an operators and parts manual.

The seed chart I believe only applies to the main seed box? Does the front seed box have a chart for seed rates, maybe in the manual?

Are there other drills that share parts?

I bought this drill to plant two things, alfalfa and to overseed existing pastures.

For the alfalfa planting, I plan to use the front box and drop the seed in front of the drill and then pull a chain tooth harrow (tines up not digging in the ground) and cultipacker behind the drill. Should I allow the disc to gently touch the ground to stir it up a bit? If anyone has experience with this I would appreciate any feed back.

For the overseeding, I plan to mow the pasture tight behind the cattle. Then use the front box for seeding dropping in front of the discs. I'm planning on using the disc of the drill to gently stir the ground as well as having the chain tooth harrow tines down to further work the seed in. Then pull a cultipacker behind the harrow to pack things in.

Here's the over seeding mix I plan to use.
  • Endophyte-Free Tall Fescue 30%
  • Meadow Fescue 25%
  • Festulolium 15%
  • Orchardgrass 15%
  • Kentucky 5%
  • Timothy 5%
  • White Clover 5%


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Look in archives for Matt Welz post from 10/1/2006 telling the difference between model M and MF.
M does not have a fertilizer box while the MF does with the F standing for fertilizer. I think I still have 2 different versions with the older having a parts list while the newer does not and I am trying to liquate my things as no longer on farm and 79 years old.
I would say the3 chart is for the bigger seed boxes with seed likt wheat beans and such. The smaller front box is probably rated by the number for the pounds per acres so if you set it at 10 it would probably be for a 10 pound setting set at 14 and would be for a 14pound setting per acre. I believe you will have to have the discs down in order for the drill to drive any of the seeding components whether for the seeder or for the main drill box. As for the disc deal if you let the discs down then a packer would be good enough even in the pasture as it would help get the seed down to the ground. You don't want that seed anymore than barely covered to start with. it will grow fine just dropped on top of the ground. more than about an inch and it will not come up.
I would say the3 chart is for the bigger seed boxes with seed likt wheat beans and such. The smaller front box is probably rated by the number for the pounds per acres so if you set it at 10 it would probably be for a 10 pound setting set at 14 and would be for a 14pound setting per acre. I believe you will have to have the discs down in order for the drill to drive any of the seeding components whether for the seeder or for the main drill box. As for the disc deal if you let the discs down then a packer would be good enough even in the pasture as it would help get the seed down to the ground. You don't want that seed anymore than barely covered to start with. it will grow fine just dropped on top of the ground. more than about an inch and it will not come up.
Definitely put your seed in the opener boots. Try to get it 1/4" deep.
As far as the overseeding goes, I would drill the seed first and then mow the pasture, and the cut material will retain moisture until it germinates.

It will be much harder for the disk openers to penetrate the ground through the mow trash than if the grass is left standing. In most cases you will be depositing the seed on the top with no cover at all if you mow first… whether you run it through the openers or broadcast it.
And you will not be able to use your chain harrow if you mow first. The cut material will drag, ball up and make a mess.

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