md 3bolt starter

In one of our pulling M's (DT407+) we put the starter from a 806 diesel on it and it works great. Stock ring rear on the flywheel. Some are shorter than others - you'll run into the belt pully housing with the long one.
So what you are saying is a short 806 starter will fit a stock M?
Do you have any pictures of the M with the 407? sounds interesting.
The MD housing with the 3 bolt starter housing will take the 806 diesel starter. We didn't know there were different length starters when we first put it together... had to cut out the corner of the tranny top cover where the belt pully goes because we had the long one. When the starter went bad in our farm 806 we put the one from the puller in it and had the other one rebuilt - put it on the puller and it was short enough I think we could have fit it in without cutting the corner out of the cover (or at most a minor trim instead of an entire chunk). It was too late by then, but we learned there were at least 2 lenghts of starters though it.

I'll try to get a picture or two of it on here in a few days for you. I don't think we have any pictures of it just sitting there, but I know there are some around of it pulling.

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