Memorial Day



Honoring those who gave their life, so we can be free!
If one flag represented 10.000 of the fallen,
I probably do not have enough flags. Eternal rest to all the fallen!



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Honoring those who gave their life, so we can be free!
If one flag represented 10.000 of the fallen,
I probably do not have enough flags. Eternal rest to all the fallen!

Something that is sad is seeing Flags flying at full staff instead of half staff as they should be flown today. Even went by a VFW and the flag was at full staff which is even sadder to see since they of all places should know it should be flown at half staff
Something that is sad is seeing Flags flying at full staff instead of half staff as they should be flown today. Even went by a VFW and the flag was at full staff which is even sadder to see since they of all places should know it should be flown at half staff
Half staff until noon. but IMO it should be sun up till sun down.

From the VA "According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, the U.S. flag should be flown at half-staff from sunrise until noon on Memorial Day to signify a period of mourning. After noon, the flag should be raised to full-staff until sunset."
Half staff until noon. but IMO it should be sun up till sun down.

From the VA "According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, the U.S. flag should be flown at half-staff from sunrise until noon on Memorial Day to signify a period of mourning. After noon, the flag should be raised to full-staff until sunset."
Mine is still at 1/2 staff

Something that is sad is seeing Flags flying at full staff instead of half staff as they should be flown today. Even went by a VFW and the flag was at full staff which is even sadder to see since they of all places should know it should be flown at half staff
It supposed to be flown 1/2 staff form 1/2 day. Mine is still at 1/2 staff,


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