MF 1155 1973 relay question


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New here, used this forum a few times over the years to find info.

My cousin has a 1155 with no power coming out of the relay in the cab. This relay goes to the 25 amp circuit breaker that goes to the blower switch/blower.

Where can I find a replacement for this?

It's the relay above the cab.

Or will any relay work? Thanks in advance
I'd use a CONTINUOS duty solenoid, similar to a starter solenoid to replace what you have. MAYBE you could remove the cover and clean the contacts and get what you have now working again? I've done that a few times on some old voltage regulators. Worth a try, you can't hurt it if it is bad anyway.
Welcome to the forums.

At a parts store you should be able to get a 30 amp (they are available in various amperage ratings) plug in type relay as they currently use in autos and a base for it. It will have wiring info with it, you will not need to use all the terminals on it but will need to add a ground wire which your current relay doesn't have. You want to wire it as normally open, so it closes (powers the breaker) when the switch is turned on.
Thanks a bunch! I will pursue these leads and post up what works. Gonna take it apart and clean it and look up that part number and see if I can find one. Otherwise I will hit up autozone.
Again, thanks for the help. I greatly appreciate it

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