Some progress. Adjusted the timing as you suggested. Sprayed some fluid in carb and it fired up immediately and sounded normal. Only ran a few seconds and died , assumed lack of fuel , but fired up right way again when spraying in carb.
So guessing something in carb now is blocked?
Some progress. Adjusted the timing as you suggested. Sprayed some fluid in carb and it fired up immediately and sounded normal. Only ran a few seconds and died , assumed lack of fuel , but fired up right way again when spraying in carb.
So guessing something in carb now is blocked?
Does this mean you found the plug wires did not match the compression stroke? That happens, not finding fault, I just want to be clear on what exactly was done to get it to fire and run in case it needs to be referenced before this is done.

If you pulled the plug from the bottom of the carb bowl and the gas flowed out a fair stream steadily for a couple minutes' and it started/ran with gas sprayed in the carb throat, it pretty much points to a blockage in the carb. Find the numbers on the carb (there should be a tag on it) and get at least a basic kit for it. You are going to need to take the carb apart and clean it internally. That means using torch tip cleaners or guitar strings to "rod" out all the small holes in the carb body. Use some carb cleaner while doing that and blow out with compressed air. carb cleaner and air alone usually won't clear a hard blockage, it needs those holes physically cleaned.
Shakebaker: If Jim.ME is on this, then I'm going to just watch the discussion. He's extremely knowledgeable and helpful. But as he goes through this with you, you'll need to answer each of his questions. He can't give his best advice if you don't get the best info to him. If you don't fully understand the question, ask it again. We are here to help - not to judge anyone on their knowledge level. It's great that it runs on substitute fuel. That means the ignition system is now a minor thing. Most of these carbs are pretty simple, and there's all kinds of info here and there on getting kits for them and rebuilding them. A picture of the carb will help us start to accumulate info for you on fixing it. Stick with it and it'll be back out in the field working soon. steve
Thanks for the help and will answer as best I can.
Just an update. Before I left to do some real life work , I got it started and it ran for about 5 minutes normally. I turned it off and started again and was able to back it out about 25 feet and then drive it back to barn. It did die when I let it idle then it the barn and gave me a little trouble starting it again. I had to leave after I got it started again and let it idle about 2 minutes.
I assume it's still having some fuel issues. Should we still attempt to take carb out for a cleaning or it running for that long means the carb is in better shape ?
Thanks so much
Thanks for the help and will answer as best I can.
Just an update. Before I left to do some real life work , I got it started and it ran for about 5 minutes normally. I turned it off and started again and was able to back it out about 25 feet and then drive it back to barn. It did die when I let it idle then it the barn and gave me a little trouble starting it again. I had to leave after I got it started again and let it idle about 2 minutes.
I assume it's still having some fuel issues. Should we still attempt to take carb out for a cleaning or it running for that long means the carb is in better shape ?
Thanks so much
It sounds like the carb needs to be disassembled and cleaned. I base that on you saying the fuel had a good steady flow from the bowl drain (for at least a couple full minutes?) and it started by you spraying gas in the carb throat. Some of what was blocking a passage may have moved allowing fuel to pass, however it does not sound like everything is clear, if it does not stay running. I would get a kit and clean the carb internally.

I can't see what you did or didn't do. What does "Adjusted the timing as you suggested" mean? Were the plug wires out of place in the cap, compared to the compression stroke of # 1 cylinder? Did you turn the distributor along the way? It should be timed with a timing light, but you need it running steady to do that.

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