MF 165 diesel fuel line flare type and tooling


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I have a Massey Ferguson 165 diesel and while installing a new starter I contacted the fuel line from the tank petcock to the fuel lift pump and it burnt a hole in the line. It's been impossible to find a new line on the web and I'm to the point of wanting to make my own custom lines.
What is the type of flare used with this tractor since it also utilizes a rubber olive to seal? Is there a flare tool for sale to make this type flare?
Or, is there a fitting that converts from the rubber backed flare to a compression fitting? I'd actually prefer a conversion fitting since I'd go to Swagelok fittings and tubing to make my custom lines. Thanks for any help!


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I guess you can do whatever suits your interests, but in most cases you can simply cut out the damaged piece of tubing and replace it with standard rubber fuel hose and worm gear clamps. You can also go with a section of like sized steel tubing and compression tube unions. Either way, you don't need to fight trying to replace the OEM fittings
I use steel brake line, and the line end flares are NOT needed at all. Just tighten the line nuts against new rubber line sleeves and it will seal fine. Those rubber sleeves come in several sizes, most MF/Perkins three and four cylinder diesels use the 1/4 inch size while the six cylinder tractors use the thinner 5/16 inch size.
I guess you can do whatever suits your interests, but in most cases you can simply cut out the damaged piece of tubing and replace it with standard rubber fuel hose and worm gear clamps. You can also go with a section of like sized steel tubing and compression tube unions. Either way, you don't need to fight trying to replace the OEM fittings
I appreciate your help! I would like to keep the tractor looking factory because I'm slowly restoring it. If you think the rubber hose and good clamps are good enough for daily running then I'll go that route until I can fix it with full metal lines. Thanks again!
I use steel brake line, and the line end flares are NOT needed at all. Just tighten the line nuts against new rubber line sleeves and it will seal fine. Those rubber sleeves come in several sizes, most MF/Perkins three and four cylinder diesels use the 1/4 inch size while the six cylinder tractors use the thinner 5/16 inch size.
Thank you for replying! When tightening the line without a flare, will the rubber sleeves bite down or do you use a brake line style flare? I believe my line is 5/16" but not positive. It is the main line from the fuel tank to the system.....
Thank you for replying! When tightening the line without a flare, will the rubber sleeves bite down or do you use a brake line style flare? I believe my line is 5/16" but not positive. It is the main line from the fuel tank to the system.....
NO flare needed at all, just use the right size rubber sleeves and line nut will compress it enough to seal as is.

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