MF 165 PTO Clutch is too sensitive


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I finally got my MF 165 pto clutch to disengage this week, after adjusting the actuating bolts through the inspection plate underneath the tractor. By setting the gap to around .040, the pto clutch now disengages with the pedal about 1.5" off the plate. This is the first time I've ever had a working pto clutch on this tractor. It's very sensitive, just this one tiny spot (1/2" of travel, or less) where the pto disengages. If I push the pedal down further, the pto re-engages. If I open up the gap to .065, the pto will not disengage at all. ( I tried all kinds of settings, which was a miserable way to spend the afternoon!) The main clutch engages about 2/3 of the way up, so I think that the clutch linkage is adjusted correctly. I plan to run it this way next season and hope that things improve. Is it normal for the pto clutch to be so sensitive, or is something else out of whack? I'd appreciate any advice or ideas.
I finally got my MF 165 pto clutch to disengage this week, after adjusting the actuating bolts through the inspection plate underneath the tractor. By setting the gap to around .040, the pto clutch now disengages with the pedal about 1.5" off the plate. This is the first time I've ever had a working pto clutch on this tractor. It's very sensitive, just this one tiny spot (1/2" of travel, or less) where the pto disengages. If I push the pedal down further, the pto re-engages. If I open up the gap to .065, the pto will not disengage at all. ( I tried all kinds of settings, which was a miserable way to spend the afternoon!) The main clutch engages about 2/3 of the way up, so I think that the clutch linkage is adjusted correctly. I plan to run it this way next season and hope that things improve. Is it normal for the pto clutch to be so sensitive, or is something else out of whack? I'd appreciate any advice or ideas.
You need to INCREASE the stop gap on the OUTSIDE clamp/shaft stop whenever the PTO spins with the pedal completely down. What is happening is the INSIDE travel is TOO FAR, and the back side of the release levers are contacting the PTO HUB rivets, making it spin. I would reset the inside three bolts to .060 and start over.
You need to INCREASE the stop gap on the OUTSIDE clamp/shaft stop whenever the PTO spins with the pedal completely down. What is happening is the INSIDE travel is TOO FAR, and the back side of the release levers are contacting the PTO HUB rivets, making it spin. I would reset the inside three bolts to .060 and start over.
Yeah, that's a good idea, but when I had it set to .065, there was not enough pedal travel to disengage the pto at all. I tried this twice and carefully observed what was going on, because it made no sense. I will re-check the stop gap on the outside linkag, but I believe it's been set according to the book.

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