MF 180 clutch broke

Ohio, I'm probably more frugal than you appear to be. So looking at your pics and understanding your desire to only replace the fingers and screws would be my first choice. And I have done that before. However, if you don't have a source nearby for either a used clutch pressure plate with good parts, or good access to new individual parts, you are much better off to take the above advice from several of our "local experts" and buy a new or rebuilt pressure plate, throw-out bearing, and pilot bearing/bushing. It's a safety, as well as an efficiency issue. The "new" pressure plate will come adjusted to specs and be assembled out of safe parts. If you have the timing available, split the tractor, remove the pressure plate, inspect the flywheel and clutch disc, and then order your parts. A rebuilder will want your pressure plate as a core.

You may have to dig out installation specs, but anyone of the responders above can help you there. Although these tractors don't wind up like a modern dragster, it only takes one small chunk of that pressure plate to fly out through your bellhousing and sever your ankle. Word to the wise. steve
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The only dealer around me closed 15 years ago, that is why and how I found this group. So far from the actual parts that I see I need the only item that I don't see here is the contact screw. All I would need to know for them is the material they're made of an I can make them. :)
If you aren't familiar with the AGCO parts web site. The AGCO parts site lets you find/select dealers that do ecommerce and those that don't as well. You can find one near you and set up with them. If you are looking at parts, it will prompt you to select a dealer and doing that gives you a price and idea of availability as you look, even if you don't sign up with the dealer. The other thing is, I believe any AGCO dealer can get parts for any AGCO brand, at least the MF dealer here can. Since Allis Chalmers went away, they don't stock AC parts, but my MF dealer orders them in for me. If there is another brand of AGCO dealer near you, ask them, you may need some Massey specific parts in the future.
I don't disagree, more trying to see if he is clear on what he has. Am I wrong in saying the drawing he posted, of appears to be the Split Torque clutch set up for an independent PTO, not the two stage clutch for the live/continuous PTO which his tractor has (and his picture is of)? The drawing indicates the center splined plate is riveted to the cover. The Split Torque drawing fingers show adjusting screws as well. There is likely a difference in the fingers and cover you recognize from years of working on both that I didn't pick up on in the picture.

The main point is one needs to be sure one is looking at the correct info for clutch they have in the parts book. He only wants to look at the Dual Clutch (Live PTO) pages in his parts book and when searching parts.
The drawing may or may not be the correct one but... it does come out of the service manual book that I purchased years ago from this group. When I look at anything, like this drawing, it is merely to give me an idea and understanding of the proper names and possible construction of the unit. This manual served me well on the prior planetary gear repair as too this group. Yourself included. No parts will be purchased till I have the tractor split and the parts are in my hand. I heard you statement as to it being the incorrect drawing and I'm keeping that in mind. Thankyou. After I look at the clutch again tonight, I will then see if there is better info in the manual. If not I'll be asking in this group and searching more on line. I'm confident in my skillset and this will end once again as a job well done by handsome "James L. Wereb" ;-)
I've seen times when a cold, wet, dark barn would have been much nicer than where I was at the time.

If the plate is missing, you still have the opening, the plate should be covering, which lets you look in the clutch area. They show three different plates were used, it appear that one plate only used two bolts to hold it up in place. the bolts (capscrews) are all 5/8 so take a 15/16" socket or wrench under there with you.
Used the tractor this morning to plow my drive. There was no way I was getting out if I didn't. Had to put tractor in reverse then start tractor. Pull the fuel shut off to stop. Then shift to forward gear and restart tractor. Repeat this 80 more times. This in no way could have been good for the starter. I was glad this tractor did not have a neutral safety switch. We have a few sunny days coming so need to find away to get my ford 2000 back home so I can then split this 180. Would not be an issue moving the ford if my 2006 f150 was fixed. 5.4 triton engine with a bad oil pump mounted on the crankshaft. There are no easy repairs in my life.
Your three special release bolts are GONE, And most parts sites sell complete clutch pressure plate assemblies WITH the release arms and bolts together. As an OLD MF mechanic I always got the parts from MF and repaired my own if the cover was good.
I see that I'm going to need to make 3 "T" bolts to hold clutch assembly together as I remove the clutch from the fly wheel. Any Idea how long the need to be? Then when I split, how far apart should the halves be for working clearance? It may be troublesome to move them back together if I get them too far apart. I'm working on a gravel floor.
If you aren't familiar with the AGCO parts web site. The AGCO parts site lets you find/select dealers that do ecommerce and those that don't as well. You can find one near you and set up with them. If you are looking at parts, it will prompt you to select a dealer and doing that gives you a price and idea of availability as you look, even if you don't sign up with the dealer. The other thing is, I believe any AGCO dealer can get parts for any AGCO brand, at least the MF dealer here can. Since Allis Chalmers went away, they don't stock AC parts, but my MF dealer orders them in for me. If there is another brand of AGCO dealer near you, ask them, you may need some Massey specific parts in the future.
I went to the AGCO sight. It was not much help for my 180. Unless I'm not searching it correctly.
I see that I'm going to need to make 3 "T" bolts to hold clutch assembly together as I remove the clutch from the fly wheel. Any Idea how long the need to be? Then when I split, how far apart should the halves be for working clearance? It may be troublesome to move them back together if I get them too far apart. I'm working on a gravel floor.

I went to the AGCO sight. It was not much help for my 180. Unless I'm not searching it correctly.
On that home page you need to click on Parts Book. That opens the search page to find a book. In the search box there type in 180. You should see a list of brands open on the left of the page beside the models that appear on the right. Click on Massey Ferguson to reduce the models on the list. Click on MF 180 Tractor and your parts book will open.
On that home page you need to click on Parts Book. That opens the search page to find a book. In the search box there type in 180. You should see a list of brands open on the left of the page beside the models that appear on the right. Click on Massey Ferguson to reduce the models on the list. Click on MF 180 Tractor and your parts book will open.
Ok thanks I'm in, will play on their page after I get a job done. I may have been on the wrong site last time.
I see that I'm going to need to make 3 "T" bolts to hold clutch assembly together as I remove the clutch from the fly wheel. Any Idea how long the need to be? Then when I split, how far apart should the halves be for working clearance? It may be troublesome to move them back together if I get them too far apart. I'm working on a gravel floor.

I went to the AGCO sight. It was not much help for my 180. Unless I'm not searching it correctly.
Mine are about 6 inches long, 1/4 inch NC thread. If I recall the old I&T MF 65 repair book had the tool specs dimensions for the Spicer dual clutch service, you will need the pilot tool for centering the two clutch discs too.
Mine are about 6 inches long, 1/4 inch NC thread. If I recall the old I&T MF 65 repair book had the tool specs dimensions for the Spicer dual clutch service, you will need the pilot tool for centering the two clutch discs too.
Thanks, My goal at the moment it to split the tractor and not get hurt or break anything else. Looks like I need those T-bolts to hold things together while removing the clutch. After that I'll be putting together a shopping list. Sad thing is the snow returns Wednesday and so much work I'm behind on at work. I'll look into that Spider dual clutch. The centering tool I think is sold in this group and in my cart.
Mine are about 6 inches long, 1/4 inch NC thread. If I recall the old I&T MF 65 repair book had the tool specs dimensions for the Spicer dual clutch service, you will need the pilot tool for centering the two clutch discs too.
This is the diagram I'm using from the books I purchased in this group years ago. The throw out bearing is on the prior page.


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Mine are about 6 inches long, 1/4 inch NC thread. If I recall the old I&T MF 65 repair book had the tool specs dimensions for the Spicer dual clutch service, you will need the pilot tool for centering the two clutch discs too.
Ok I have it out. The 6"bolts are bottomed out leaving 3-5/8 with 1/4-20 connecting holding it all together. Book is confusing me. Wants release levers fully depressed. But I'm wondering at what point is too far. Should the gap be almost 99% closed in 3rd picture? So I depress levers on the lightest pressure in hydraulic press. and tighten the connecting nuts more. then remove from press. then push the 1/8 dia retaining pin in? then the pivot pins will come out?


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Ok I have it out. The 6"bolts are bottomed out leaving 3-5/8 with 1/4-20 connecting holding it all together. Book is confusing me. Wants release levers fully depressed. But I'm wondering at what point is too far. Should the gap be almost 99% closed in 3rd picture? So I depress levers on the lightest pressure in hydraulic press. and tighten the connecting nuts more. then remove from press. then push the 1/8 dia retaining pin in? then the pivot pins will come out?
Fully depressed means the levers don't move any further, at least that's what it means to me. I used the nuts on the 1/4" capture bolts to pull the pressure plates down. Just keep alternating around them until the release levers are down. The gaps will come together. If you use the capture bolts when removing and installing the pressure plate you don't have pressure on the capscrews that hold the pressure plate to the flywheel to deal with.

I don't know that how much bolt is out of the pressure plate means anything. I think the length is just easy to work with. I used 1/4" NC all thread to make mine with a Tee handle on top. Screw them in until the rods bottom, with the nuts clear of the pressure plate, then just work around the three bolts to pull the pressure plate levers down (compress the springs).

When the levers are free, remove the retaining pins and then the lever pivot pins.
When you get a centering tool, check diameter of the pilot bearing, both disc diameters and spline counts of both discs to be sure you get the correct tool.
Ok I have it out. The 6"bolts are bottomed out leaving 3-5/8 with 1/4-20 connecting holding it all together. Book is confusing me. Wants release levers fully depressed. But I'm wondering at what point is too far. Should the gap be almost 99% closed in 3rd picture? So I depress levers on the lightest pressure in hydraulic press. and tighten the connecting nuts more. then remove from press. then push the 1/8 dia retaining pin in? then the pivot pins will come out?
The 1/8 inch groove lock pins need driven DOWN and MIGHT contact the PTO BELLEVILLE spring before you can tap out the release lever pins. DO NOT reuse the groove lock pins, get NEW ones when going back together.
The 1/8 inch groove lock pins need driven DOWN and MIGHT contact the PTO BELLEVILLE spring before you can tap out the release lever pins. DO NOT reuse the groove lock pins, get NEW ones when going back together.
I tell you what... it was tricky and I'm not ever doing this again. It would help if I had better written instructions. The U tube vids were some help in seeing what the parts looked like but from there I did not find any good ones. Now the 3 contact bolt, look like grade 2. The hex heads are smooth on every video I looked at. Are they grade 2 or grade 5 sanded smooth? Pilot bearing does need replaced and the throw out bearing is a solid chunk of rust. The fiber washer under the springs are brittle. Should the springs be replaced too? I have the springs in the order I took them out. When I fully backed off the connecting nuts on the 6" bolts the 3-5/8" shortened to 2-11/16". There was a lot of grease and grime in the assembly. Thanks.


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I tell you what... it was tricky and I'm not ever doing this again. It would help if I had better written instructions. The U tube vids were some help in seeing what the parts looked like but from there I did not find any good ones. Now the 3 contact bolt, look like grade 2. The hex heads are smooth on every video I looked at. Are they grade 2 or grade 5 sanded smooth? Pilot bearing does need replaced and the throw out bearing is a solid chunk of rust. The fiber washer under the springs are brittle. Should the springs be replaced too? I have the springs in the order I took them out. When I fully backed off the connecting nuts on the 6" bolts the 3-5/8" shortened to 2-11/16". There was a lot of grease and grime in the assembly. Thanks.
If you are referring to #21 as the contact bolts, those are not hardware store bolts. As Dieseltech wrote in a previous post, buy the bolts (#21) and nuts (#22) with the other clutch parts from MF, or your clutch parts source. They are designed and made for that location.

Does your service manual give you the specs for the springs? If so, you can check them to see if they match the spec. If all are even height and the clutch was working ok until the throwout bearing failed, I would likely reuse them in my clutch. A shop would likely replace them.

You should look at the transmission input shafts, it looks like you might have a seal starting to leak.
I tell you what... it was tricky and I'm not ever doing this again. It would help if I had better written instructions. The U tube vids were some help in seeing what the parts looked like but from there I did not find any good ones. Now the 3 contact bolt, look like grade 2. The hex heads are smooth on every video I looked at. Are they grade 2 or grade 5 sanded smooth? Pilot bearing does need replaced and the throw out bearing is a solid chunk of rust. The fiber washer under the springs are brittle. Should the springs be replaced too? I have the springs in the order I took them out. When I fully backed off the connecting nuts on the 6" bolts the 3-5/8" shortened to 2-11/16". There was a lot of grease and grime in the assembly. Thanks.
I'd get NEW release levers and NEW release lever bolts AND the BOLT LOCK NUTS from Agco. Those bolts are HARDENED with ROUNDED HEADS. The twelve springs can be used again as long as there was never a slippage problem on the MAIN clutch disc. When going back together be careful when drawing down three tee nuts and MAKE SURE the PTO drive plate tabs enter the cover driving grooves, or you will NEVER get it together right. Again, get NEW LEVERS, RELEASE BOLTS, NUTS, LOCK PINS and RELEASE BEARING, then set the lever bolt heights per the book. Set the PTO release bolt gaps to .070/.080 inch too, earlier .090 is too much and PTO release trouble happens when the gap is too much.
When you get your parts list made, get it priced out. You may want to set it aside and buy a kit. Many are sold with no exchange needed, and include the pilot bearing, throwout bearing and alignment tool as well as new friction discs. Just a reality check, I have seen parts add up to more than a kit.

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