MF 180, no need for that special roller tool.

One just needs a little tape.


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I'm guessing you've dropped the roller in the belly of the beast b4. I use tag wire in one of the grooves.
Fist time been in one of these. Book said the tool was needed. So I was being extra carful. IF you dropped it you would most likely have to split the tractor to get it out from under the pump. Or $5.49 buy a new on from YT. I did think of the wire method, but had no wire. When I removed it with my finger's it was easy. But uses finger to put it back in I could not see what I was doing.
Most of us have learned to slip it into place strictly by "feel". No tool needed. Actually, I've never even seen a picture of a tool for that, but I can imagine it's a pliers type of thing?
Most of us have learned to slip it into place strictly by "feel". No tool needed. Actually, I've never even seen a picture of a tool for that, but I can imagine it's a pliers type of thing?
I'm trying to re-find the tool. It may have been mentioned and shown in this forum. It was stamped sheet metal tool that gripped on the 2 grooves like a right angle tweezer with locking wingnut. Seeing the tool explains why there are 2 groves in the roller. The grooves have no function otherwise. I removed by hand but to reinstall not enough room for both my hands through the side port. Plus the 38 inch wheel and tire were in my way.
I've never done it with both hands. Only with two fingers.
I was using both hand till I figured out to used a flat file to hold the lever over. If my hand was smaller I may have been able to do it. Another topic... 6 or 8 speed? 1 reverse, 3 forward with Hi/Low and multi-power. I've been calling it 8 believing reverse is a speed. Is it/ thanks
I've never done it with both hands. Only with two fingers.
I was using both hand till I figured out to use a flat file to hold the lever over. If my hand was smaller I may have been able to do it. Another topic... 6 or 8 speed? 1 reverse, 3 forward with Hi/Low and multi-power. I've been calling it 8 believing reverse is a speed. Is it? Thanks.
I was using both hand till I figured out to used a flat file to hold the lever over. If my hand was smaller I may have been able to do it. Another topic... 6 or 8 speed? 1 reverse, 3 forward with Hi/Low and multi-power. I've been calling it 8 believing reverse is a speed. Is it/ thanks
You have a Six speed with multi-power. Just like cars and trucks with manual transmissions, you only count the forward gears in the main box, times the aux box gears. In your case 3 (1,2,3) x 2 (Hi-Lo)= 6. Some call the 6 speed and multi-power a 12 speed transmission as the multi-power splits the 6 speeds. The 8 speed transmissions used main gear boxes with R, 1, 2, 3, and 4 + Hi-Lo for the 8 speeds. The 8 speeds did not use the multipower option.
You have a Six speed with multi-power. Just like cars and trucks with manual transmissions, you only count the forward gears in the main box, times the aux box gears. In your case 3 (1,2,3) x 2 (Hi-Lo)= 6. Some call the 6 speed and multi-power a 12 speed transmission as the multi-power splits the 6 speeds. The 8 speed transmissions used main gear boxes with R, 1, 2, 3, and 4 + Hi-Lo for the 8 speeds. The 8 speeds did not use the multipower option.
Well then that messes up things for me. The YT books I have don't show any 6 speed multi-power break downs.
What are you looking for as far as break downs?
Right now, I'm ok but next time I have to open and repair I'd like to have proper printout. Moving onto the next Issues, Learning the proper hydraulic controls so I can tell if they are working properly. I attached my 800 pound Howard Rotovator (rototiller) so I had some serious weight to lift. Then adjusting parking brake petal lock. I lock and the tractor still rolls. Greasing differential lock cam. Checking and changing fluid in both Axle planetary assemblies. This MF 180 is nothing like my Ford 2000. The only real use I had of the 180 was pulling the 2000 out of the mud 3-4 time a year.
Right now, I'm ok but next time I have to open and repair I'd like to have proper printout. Moving onto the next Issues, Learning the proper hydraulic controls so I can tell if they are working properly. I attached my 800 pound Howard Rotovator (rototiller) so I had some serious weight to lift. Then adjusting parking brake petal lock. I lock and the tractor still rolls. Greasing differential lock cam. Checking and changing fluid in both Axle planetary assemblies. This MF 180 is nothing like my Ford 2000. The only real use I had of the 180 was pulling the 2000 out of the mud 3-4 time a year.
I don't have a 180 manual. My MF 135 manual (actual MF) shows the 6 speed, the 8 speed, and the multipower as separate groups.

The Operator's manual should address using the hydraulics and lubrication. Do the reprints you have reference a MF publication number on them?
The MF180 service manual is publication 1448816 (with either a M1 or M92 suffix). The current Operator's Manual for the Perkins (diesel or Gas) engine is publication # 1448073M3 (An earlier printing might be M1 or M2.)
As for the parking brake lock, if the lock sets and holds the pedals down, at the point where you pushed them to for setting the lock, and it rolls, that sounds like the brakes themselves need work.

You can use the online 180 parts book at AGCOparts. (use the index on the left of the Table of Contents page) Here is a link to the online parts book.

MF 180 parts book
You have a Six speed with multi-power. Just like cars and trucks with manual transmissions, you only count the forward gears in the main box, times the aux box gears. In your case 3 (1,2,3) x 2 (Hi-Lo)= 6. Some call the 6 speed and multi-power a 12 speed transmission as the multi-power splits the 6 speeds. The 8 speed transmissions used main gear boxes with R, 1, 2, 3, and 4 + Hi-Lo for the 8 speeds. The 8 speeds did not use the multipower option.
Ok this is part of my confusion. In the book 8 speed with multi-power shown. The 6 speed is shown without the multi speed. This is what lead me believe I have the 8 speed and the only way was to include reveres gear. Then I find the last two that confirms it as a 6 speed. I have yet to find R,1,2,3+4 to see what would be different. But I think I will pass on that. Thanks.


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