MF 202 Power Steering Issue

Power Steering on MF 202
The Power Steering has never worked since I purchased this 5 years ago. I can put fluid in it, and it works for a day, I'm wondering where this fluid goes, as I don't see any leaks. Is it going to the crankcase?
Anyhow, the real issue is, where do i start to troubleshoot this? And please be specific, I am good about following instructions, but I am not a techie, and won't be able to follow unless terms are defined,
Thanks for everyones help in advance !
I have a 202 myself. If you don't see any visible leaks, then the oil is getting by the seal where the drive gear is on the pump. Then of course, it goes into your crank case. Make note of where your engine oil level is then fill up the reservoir on your power steering pump. Drive it until the power steering quits working again, then check the crank case oil to see if has risen.
Power Steering on MF 202
The Power Steering has never worked since I purchased this 5 years ago. I can put fluid in it, and it works for a day, I'm wondering where this fluid goes, as I don't see any leaks. Is it going to the crankcase?
Anyhow, the real issue is, where do i start to troubleshoot this? And please be specific, I am good about following instructions, but I am not a techie, and won't be able to follow unless terms are defined,
Thanks for everyones help in advance !
Keep replacing fliud until you figure out where it is going. The power steering pump only holds about 1/2 a quart, so it might take a couple of refills. What are you using for fluid?

Most likely the input seal on the power steering pump is bad. The bad seal is allowing fluid into the engine crankcase. What pump do you have?

There is a possibility that the spool (steering) valve is leaking into the transmission. Rule the pump out first.

Pictures from the Owner's Manual are attached.


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Power Steering on MF 202
The Power Steering has never worked since I purchased this 5 years ago. I can put fluid in it, and it works for a day, I'm wondering where this fluid goes, as I don't see any leaks. Is it going to the crankcase?
Anyhow, the real issue is, where do i start to troubleshoot this? And please be specific, I am good about following instructions, but I am not a techie, and won't be able to follow unless terms are defined,
Thanks for everyones help in advance !
If your level gets low enough and air gets in the system, you need to bleed the air out when adding fluid. You need to take the top off the reservoir to add fluid. It is not unheard of for people to put steering fluid into the engine fill port, not realizing that the fill port for the engine, although right there over the steering fluid reservoir, is not for the steering reservoir. When adding fluid to the reservoir, the steering rams need to be cycled to get the air out. This is best done with the wheels off the ground if you have a loader.

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