MF 265 rims


Hey all
I have a MF 265 (row crop) tractor that has rusted out right beside the valve stem. I'm going to try to find a mobile welder to see if they can weld a patch over it. Then will get it to a tire shop for a new tube and refill with antifreeze or calcium.

If this doesn't work out, will any other ag rims and tires fit this row crop tractor (if I can find them used)? It has 12.4-38 tires on 11-38 spin out rims at the moment. BTW, I'm in the Okanagan, BC, Canada. Not a lot of older MF tractors around, and it seems to be mainly orchard or winery agriculture near me
Any 38 inch power adjust rim with 6 rails should fit. I have heard they scarce and pricey. Getting your rim fixed might be the most economical route. The tire will have to come off first.
Hey Bob, thanx for the reply. Was sort of thinking the same thing. Trying to source a replacement used rim/tire right now, but think they are few and far between around here (especially for a row crop tractor). Also it's labour's day up here so a lot of places are closed.

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