MF 285 sloppy steering

Boss Hog

Central Illinois
When I turn the steering wheel, it turns roughly 15° and the steering wheel raises up roughly 1/4". After it stops rising, the wheels begin turning.
If I turn it the other way, the steering wheels goes down a bit, then back up again before the wheels start turning.

Can any of you give me an idea what's going on, and what to do about it?

BTW - Power steering pump is new. I replaced it about a week ago.
Thought a couple of pictures might help. One shows the steering column at rest. The other one shows how it raises up when you turn the wheel.



  • Steering 1.JPG
    Steering 1.JPG
    2.4 MB · Views: 24
  • Steering 2.JPG
    Steering 2.JPG
    2.3 MB · Views: 26
does it lift up just by you lifting on it also
Usually a spinning steering wheel is a cylinder with blown packing
Why did you change steering pump
Is fluid leaking out of column
More information
Thanks for responding.

Yes, when you lift up on the steering wheel, the shaft lifts up a little too. The nut is tight that holds the steering wheel to the shaft.

I changed the pump because the steering barely worked. After changing it, the steering works great.

No leaking fluid that I can see.
But you said it turns quite a bit before wheels turn
Take column off and see if bearing has failed
first though I would check and see if there is play in spindles ball joints cylinders

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