MF 35 Diesel Deluxe Injector Leak.


I am getting some leakage around one of the injectors off an MF35 Diesel deluxe. I looks like oil is coming out where the injector is bolted to the head and baked hard onto the surface where it cant be wiped off. There is also considerable blue smoke after cold start which clears up. I tried tightening down on the injector nuts, but they are next to impossible to get to so left well enough alone. I did buy a copper sealing washer where the injector contacts the head. I plan to start working on this in the fall after hay season and I am looking for advice on what to look for. The engine was rebuilt March 2016 and rebuilt again December 2017 after oil pump failure. We can't remember when it started as each of our guesses are so far apart its hard to tell. I would say over the past 2 or 3 years or it may have been longer and just getting worse.


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The copper injector sealing washer will only leak compression, it won't leak oil. If what you see is engine oil it's far more likely coming from the valve cover gasket than anything injector related.
I am getting some leakage around one of the injectors off an MF35 Diesel deluxe. I looks like oil is coming out where the injector is bolted to the head and baked hard onto the surface where it cant be wiped off. There is also considerable blue smoke after cold start which clears up. I tried tightening down on the injector nuts, but they are next to impossible to get to so left well enough alone. I did buy a copper sealing washer where the injector contacts the head. I plan to start working on this in the fall after hay season and I am looking for advice on what to look for. The engine was rebuilt March 2016 and rebuilt again December 2017 after oil pump failure. We can't remember when it started as each of our guesses are so far apart its hard to tell. I would say over the past 2 or 3 years or it may have been longer and just getting worse.
X 2 as per Harry in Ky
I own a 1963 MF 35 with the same engine.

That would be great. I was worried with it seeming to crawl up on the injector it may have been coming down from there. The only headache would be to remove the fuel tank, then. I have removed it 3 times and can't figure out an easier way to get to the two nuts which tighten down on those springs. Let alone lining the carriage bolts back up without them falling off while putting the tank back on. Thanks for the replies.

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