mf 4710 harsh clutch engagement


grandson recently bought a used mf 4710, it has an issue with the clutch engagement being harsh intermitently for no apparent reason, one dealer updated the software and recalibrated it, worked for a day or two, another dealer replaced a linkage on the clutch pedal, in a day or so same problem. i've done the calibration also and it works for a little while. what could be causing this?
Controller/computer losing its memory? I would expect there's a live fused circuit that supplies power to the computer for the memory circuit when everything else is turned off. Possibly an inconsistent connection issue (probably need a wiring diagram to trace that) or maybe it's a bad computer. If it's working okay after calibration but then reverts back to a default condition I'd be looking in that direction. Does it happen while in operation or after shutting down for a period of time and starting up again? If that's at all consistent it may tell you something.

I'm no expert on computer controlled transmissions but I've learned there's not always a rhyme or reason for some of what they do.

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