MF 65 lift arms not going up all the way


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I have a Massey 65 that I use mainly for moving round bales. The issue I am having is that the lift arms don’t lift very high. They may lift the bales only 1 foot or less. This causes issues when moving some larger bales cause they’ll end up dragging. The travel is the same with no load on the spear. Any thoughts on what could cause this? Fluid level is good. Thanks for any insight.
Couple of thoughts: Some equipment has multiple holes in the lift assembly whereby you can vary the height of the tips of the lift arms. Next thought is to check the condition of your hydraulics. You could raise a bale to max height and turn the engine off. Rate of fall will give you an idea as to whether or not your lift piston needs some new packing (seals).

Another option is to add weight to the front and ensure that your rear tires are up to the popular 18 PSI pressure. Weighting the front forces anything behind the rear tires to raise.....pivot point is the rear axle. I remember the first 5x6 round bale I "attempted" to pick up with my International, 464 (about 45 hp) in like new condition. The bale stayed on the ground and the front tires came off the ground.

I found a piece of railroad "siding, not main line" rail (stuff is heavy.....) and had it cut into 12" pieces. Got 4 of those on a bracket I made for the front of the tractor......made all the difference in the world.
Tractor Supply Company,Ebay and other sources sell "IT Manual" that includes 3 point troubleshooting and adjustment. It's difficult to tell someone how to do it, pictures in manual make it simple.
I have a Massey 65 that I use mainly for moving round bales. The issue I am having is that the lift arms don’t lift very high. They may lift the bales only 1 foot or less. This causes issues when moving some larger bales cause they’ll end up dragging. The travel is the same with no load on the spear. Any thoughts on what could cause this? Fluid level is good. Thanks for any insight.
Did it EVER go higher, or did it just start doing this?
I've had it for several years and it has always only gone this high. Maybe it's gotten slightly less over the years, but hard to quantify how much less. For sure it should be going higher though. See in the pic how the lift arms in the picture go almost straight up. Mine only go about 90 degrees.


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    Lift Arm.jpg
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I just did a 231 where the shaft-within-a-shaft ( lift control and draft control levers) had corroded and seized up and eventually sheared the key in one of them.

Check to see that both levers move more or less freely , independently of one another, and check to see that your draft control actually works.

If it is actually full of oil , it does seem like a lever/linkage problem.
I have a Massey 65 that I use mainly for moving round bales. The issue I am having is that the lift arms don’t lift very high. They may lift the bales only 1 foot or less. This causes issues when moving some larger bales cause they’ll end up dragging. The travel is the same with no load on the spear. Any thoughts on what could cause this? Fluid level is good. Thanks for any insight.
I have not been into a 65 but have a 35 they look the same working on the hydraulics was EZ as pie : ) my hats off to MF. . I would go to you tube and watch Bundy bears Shed series on MF 65 Hydraulicas.

Will do, thanks to all for the feedback. I was messing around with it more yesterday and took some measurements with my spear on and at a nice level position. I lowered it all the way and it measured ~ 10" off the ground, then raised it all the way and it went to just under 20". I played around with the draft lever setting and got it in a spot where it would go up to 28". So that was a big improvement in the world of being able to get the round bales up and off the ground. Still not sure it's traveling all the way up as it should. I'll watch these videos and see if there is any more insight...

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