MF 65 rear tire size.


New User
My dad has an old MF 65. The rear tires were shot from sitting and the wheels had typical corrosion at the valve stem. Several months ago we decided to get the tractor going so we put it up on Jack stands in the barn and took the rear tires off and repaired the rims. The tires were shot so I got rid of them but I didnt note the size beachside I thought it would be easier to find the size than it turns out to be. I bought some 11.2-28 online and when they were delivered they were definitely too small. So I returned them. Looking at it looks like there are a couple of sizes. I doubt a pair of 13.6-28 for $175. Id love to go with them for that price. Any insight would be appreciated.

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Start by telling us the rim diameter and width.


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Thank you, I read that on a forum somewhere, probably here. I saw on tractor data that it said otherwise. Im hoping to get this thing moving without spending $1500 on a set of new tires. So finding a used set (13.5-28) for $175 has me hoping they would be acceptable.

Tractor data in tire size says:

Massey Ferguson 65 Tires
Ag front 5.50-16
Ag rear 11-38

The old tire size 11-28 is now a 12.4 x 28, the 12-28 size is now a 13.6 x 28 tire and the 13-28 size is now a 14.9 x 28 tire. Those are the three sizes shown in the parts book as used with the 11-28 rim. The 14.9 x 28 is a common size on those as posted by Bob N.Y.
You should be good to go with the tire you are looking at. My standard clearance MF 65 has tires and rims from an AC gleaner, a K I think.

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