MF 95 non super year

Checked on tractor data and the serial numbers are not listed for the regular non super 95 Massey Ferguson tractors. Checked in a few of my Massey books and they were no help either. Just looking to find out what year my 95 is. Serial number 15600852. Thanks for now.


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you need to look under minneapolis GVI for the year. its a minneapolis tractor.
and where did you take the number from? it should be on the right side of the trans. housing. many people take the engine serial number thats on the engine. and since its a non super it might be the GB tractor.
Yes I know it’s a Minneapolis tracto. GBD model. I took that number off of the Massey Ferguson plat on the trans housing directly below the Battery tray on the RH side.


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hummm, thats the number then, i took a quick look and didnt find your number. gonna look in another book.
had another look and my book dont even list the massey 95, wierd. cant even find a number starting with 156.... i used to have a super 95 in the 80's . they were no hell for power , but when i got the massey 97 i was impressed then ! they were a nice tractor and smooth ride also. wouldnt mind another one.
I have three super 95s here in the yard and the serial numbers all show up on them. Oh well I know it’s older than 1960. I’m leaning toward a 1958.

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