MF Corn Planter


Hello, I have the opportunity to buy a MF 39 planter. Any opinions on this? It has been outside for a few years, but looks to be complete.
Any one plant pumpkins with one?

Thanks in advance.
Dads got a MF,not sure the model. This thig is worn slap dab out, still planting a little corn with it. Someone on here a few days ago was hunting plates. They may be hard to come by. Good Luck Rog-i
i have over a 5 allon bucket full of plates and spaers for this planter also 2 new runners and more new fertilizer parts all this stuff is newand came from the old ferguson dealearship in town
You could still buy plates and fertilizer drop tubes up until 5 or 6 years ago as I bought both as I needed round seed plates.
I would assume that you can still get them today but I don't know for certain...

It wasn't a bad old planter, but nothing special for 50 year old or more technology.
I don't know if it will plant pumpkin seed tho... I would suspect it would not.
That sounds more like a job for a newer vacuum planter. That should work well for pumpkin...

I have planted Pumpkins for years now with my MF39. I just use one hopper so I don't get the rows too close together. Works great for me, but I do have to travel slow to be sure the seeds get a chance to drop down into the plates and not shear while moving. I did purchase new plates right from the dealer a few years back. They were pretty close to $20 each, but they still had them all available. They send me a page from the book so I could pick out what I wanted, there must be 50 different plates for this planter. If you need additional information, I have a manual. I don't want to part with it, but I can share the information in it with you.
Thanks for the replies everyone. jayelgert, what size of holes are in the plates you use for pumpkins? My local dealer said most of the parts are discontinued, however Lincoln Ag has 3 different plates as well as a blank plate available.


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