MF-FE35/TO35 Three Point Hitch Drops When Warm


New User
I'm new to the forum and have a little mechanical knowledge more automotive than tractor. (My husband passed away and I'm taking care of this myself)

I have a 1958 Massey Ferguson FE35 that has a mixture of parts (TO30/35). I was advised that it may be an overseas tractor that was built in Canada when the two companies merged. My issue is that the three point hitch drops once the tractor warms up. This has been getting worse the last couple of years and has become more than an annoyance. Late last winter, it also started to vibrate when loaded. I'm looking for suggestions to confirm the issue. I removed the side cover and was able to see a steady oil stream from the lift cylinder. There didn't appear to be bubbling from the relief valve. I have taken the top off and removed the hydraulic lift cylinder and piston. There is significant scoring on opposite sides of the piston and in the cylinder bore. Would this be enough to cause the dropping 3PH? I was also surprised by the fact that the the piston is 2.5".

The hydraulic pump was changed 40 years ago and the filter has not been cleaned in that time. I tried moving the control valve but I'm not sure how far the normal movement is but it does move and there is spring tension. It does not go to the end of the upper guide. I watched a video and it appears that the lever should go that far. I don't want to change the hydraulic pump if I don't have to if the problem is a clogged filter or a stuck control valve. I have changed the fluid every fall and it doesn't appear to have significant amounts of water. Thank you for any help with this.


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Our old T035 did something like that - the thing was worn out when we bought it. We somewhat solved it by attaching chains from the wide eyelets at the top of the back casting, down to clevises hooked to each end of the 3 pt drawbar we always used. It kept the hitch from dropping when we shut off the tractor. No substitute for correctly repairing the problem, but the tractor was shot anyway and we had no money.
I'm new to the forum and have a little mechanical knowledge more automotive than tractor. (My husband passed away and I'm taking care of this myself)

I have a 1958 Massey Ferguson FE35 that has a mixture of parts (TO30/35). I was advised that it may be an overseas tractor that was built in Canada when the two companies merged. My issue is that the three point hitch drops once the tractor warms up. This has been getting worse the last couple of years and has become more than an annoyance. Late last winter, it also started to vibrate when loaded. I'm looking for suggestions to confirm the issue. I removed the side cover and was able to see a steady oil stream from the lift cylinder. There didn't appear to be bubbling from the relief valve. I have taken the top off and removed the hydraulic lift cylinder and piston. There is significant scoring on opposite sides of the piston and in the cylinder bore. Would this be enough to cause the dropping 3PH? I was also surprised by the fact that the the piston is 2.5".

The hydraulic pump was changed 40 years ago and the filter has not been cleaned in that time. I tried moving the control valve but I'm not sure how far the normal movement is but it does move and there is spring tension. It does not go to the end of the upper guide. I watched a video and it appears that the lever should go that far. I don't want to change the hydraulic pump if I don't have to if the problem is a clogged filter or a stuck control valve. I have changed the fluid every fall and it doesn't appear to have significant amounts of water. Thank you for any help with this.
The leaking cylinder is definitely a problem and should be fixed. Not sure if it is the only problem.

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