MF TO 30 Hydraulics Question

I posted this one the Harry Fergueson board, but looks like there is not much traffic there - so hoping someone can help me with this.....

Elderly neighbor and friend bought a TO 30 without me looking at it. He is already has remorse after I hauled it home today. He thinks the 3 pt hydraulics are not working correctly. The lift won't stay up - he can push it down with his weight on it. He keeps comparing the way it works with the old 9N he had years ago. Is there a draft control on that tractor? Does it have live hydraulics? - or will the lift drop if the clutch is pushed in. Are the hydraulics and the PTO connected? Why would the 3 pt drop like that. There does not appear to be a place for a solid drawbar to attach. Does it need a solid hitch that attaches with stabilizer bars at the lift arms up to the place the top link would connect to? I have seen those before on old Fords, I think.

Thanks for any info you can provide. He is very upset - he bought the tractor from another neighbor and the guy won't give him back his money, We all live within 1/2 mile of each other too.


no live hydraulics, pto must be on, you need the wide multi hole drawbar and angle braces to the top link
lift should not drop, internal leak somewhere
no draft control, only position
I posted this one the Harry Fergueson board, but looks like there is not much traffic there - so hoping someone can help me with this.....

Elderly neighbor and friend bought a TO 30 without me looking at it. He is already has remorse after I hauled it home today. He thinks the 3 pt hydraulics are not working correctly. The lift won't stay up - he can push it down with his weight on it. He keeps comparing the way it works with the old 9N he had years ago. Is there a draft control on that tractor? Does it have live hydraulics? - or will the lift drop if the clutch is pushed in. Are the hydraulics and the PTO connected? Why would the 3 pt drop like that. There does not appear to be a place for a solid drawbar to attach. Does it need a solid hitch that attaches with stabilizer bars at the lift arms up to the place the top link would connect to? I have seen those before on old Fords, I think.

Thanks for any info you can provide. He is very upset - he bought the tractor from another neighbor and the guy won't give him back his money, We all live within 1/2 mile of each other too.


There is no position control on the to30 it's either all the way up or down
You need chains running down to the brushhog for height control.
I posted this one the Harry Fergueson board, but looks like there is not much traffic there - so hoping someone can help me with this.....

Elderly neighbor and friend bought a TO 30 without me looking at it. He is already has remorse after I hauled it home today. He thinks the 3 pt hydraulics are not working correctly. The lift won't stay up - he can push it down with his weight on it. He keeps comparing the way it works with the old 9N he had years ago. Is there a draft control on that tractor? Does it have live hydraulics? - or will the lift drop if the clutch is pushed in. Are the hydraulics and the PTO connected? Why would the 3 pt drop like that. There does not appear to be a place for a solid drawbar to attach. Does it need a solid hitch that attaches with stabilizer bars at the lift arms up to the place the top link would connect to? I have seen those before on old Fords, I think.

Thanks for any info you can provide. He is very upset - he bought the tractor from another neighbor and the guy won't give him back his money, We all live within 1/2 mile of each other too.



Here is a link to an Operator's Manual for the TO30 which should help explain things.

TO30 Operator's Manual

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