MF265 3 point linkage arms drop while travelling.

I have a problem with my MF265 rear lift arms. If I start the tractor and attempt to raise the 3 point linkage, nothing happens. However, if I place the quadrant lever in the raise position prior to starting the tractor, it will lift the implement to the desired level. It will then maintain the lift while the tractor is stationary, but after travelling 50 yards or so the arms will start to drop until the implement is again on the ground. I then have to stop the engine and re-start with the quadrant lever still in the raise position.

Transmission fluid level is fine and the remote FEL hydraulics are good. The remote hydraulics are connected to the left side circular plate near the PTO lever. I suspect the problem is
a. a clogged internal filter
b. a faulty valve, or
c. a mis-adjustment of the quadrant fingers or roller.

Before I commence dismantling, any advice on a solution to the problem would be appreciated.
The remote hoses connected to the circular cover is feeded by a completely different auxiliary hydraulic pump
which has nothing to do with the lift pump. I would suspect the releif valve if you have acces to a 2500 PSI pressure gauge
connected to the 3m point test port you will see the hydraulic pressure behaviour.

HTH Bart
(quoted from post at 10:45:20 09/09/23) The remote hoses connected to the circular cover is feeded by a completely different auxiliary hydraulic pump
which has nothing to do with the lift pump. I would suspect the releif valve if you have acces to a 2500 PSI pressure gauge
connected to the 3m point test port you will see the hydraulic pressure behaviour.

HTH Bart

Thanks for the reply Bart. Talking with a local tractor dealer, I was told that I had the wrong dipstick. Someone had previously placed a 35 dipstick in the 265 and I needed to add another 15 litres of trans oil. That immediately fixed the problem of the cavitating pump. Problem easily solved.

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