MF50 3-point won't lift


New User

I have a Massey Furgerson 50. I just fired it up, and the 3-point hitch won't lift. It worked fine last time I used it (a few months ago to plow snow).

It has fluid. I know I added tractor transmission/hydraulic fluid to it last year. Now 3-point hitch won't even lift any at all - it's not just weak, it's gone.

Basically, I have no idea where to even start. Any ideas?
Hey, I've been going through this too. The factory service manual has a troubleshooting process to get you started. It may be a little different for your 50 than my 175.



It could be as simple as an o-ring has blown out on the stand pipe, but my situation was worse. My lift cylinder was leaking badly, and the control valve on my hydraulic pump stuck and broke into pieces.

You're probably going to wind up wanting to pull the bottom bolt from your response control cover on the right side of the differential casting, let the fluid drain to that level, pull the response cover, run the tractor like that and see if you can see any problem. Most everything you might need to do is going to require removing the top cover. You can get your pump and all out through the top without splitting the tractor. I had to split my 175.

This video should also be helpful:

And this one shows the control valve going through its full normal range of motion. His has the pressure control box all the way on the left there. I didn't have that in place. I had some questions about both of these things initially:
The spool behind right side case cover was stuck in place on my 150. With tractor shut off, moved lever by hand and all was well. Qt of ATF will clean the hyd up a bit by cutting varnish.
Before you tear into it are the Position and Draft levers in the correct place? I.E. the Draft lever should be full UP before the Position lever will work. Easy to get them in the wrong position and it won't work. I know I've done it a time or two when I was in a hurry;-)
Ok I have pulled side cover and top plate still couldn’t find problem I can turn it over and hardly any fluid comes out the tube that goes to the 3 point valve under seat where is the pressure relief valve located is it on the pump or?
Ok I have pulled side cover and top plate still couldn’t find problem I can turn it over and hardly any fluid comes out the tube that goes to the 3 point valve under seat where is the pressure relief valve located is it on the pump or?
The 3ph valve is in the pump housing. Have you made sure it is moving in and out. I have seen that valve stick before resulting in no lift.
Ok I have pulled side cover and top plate still couldn’t find problem I can turn it over and hardly any fluid comes out the tube that goes to the 3 point valve under seat where is the pressure relief valve located is it on the pump or?


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What you have labeled as the lift pump is actually the auxiliary pump and a 50 would not have IPTO.
Ok I have pulled side cover and top plate still couldn’t find problem I can turn it over and hardly any fluid comes out the tube that goes to the 3 point valve under seat where is the pressure relief valve located is it on the pump or?


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