MF65 Hydraulic Filter Question


New User
I have my dad's old MF65, serial number SGM 658084, which should be a late 1958? It runs perfectly with no issues, but when I changed the transmission, differential, hydraulic oil I found that it does not have a hydraulic oil filter. I was surprised as the service manuals shows a hydro oil filter. Below are a couple photos, as best I could, of the hydro pump.

Was this year/model made without a hydro filter, is the filter assembly missing, or could the pump have been replaced with a different pump? Am I missing something?

Any insight on this would be appreciated. Thanks

Agco parts books does show a page marked "Hydraulic Lift pump (W/O Strainer)" Maybe yours is one of these? Wayne
The filter on my son's late '58 65 had come off and was in the bottom of the transmission case. He fished it out and got it back on.
I'm looking at a Youtube video of a pump replacement on an MF65 and I don't have the same pump. There is no place to put a filter on my existing pump. A friend of mine has a 1963 Ferguson 30 and it does not have a hydraulic pump. I've already filled it Traverler 90 weight mineral gear oil, and used it to mow about 3 acres. Runs great. Someone must have replaced the pump at some time. I'm leaving it as is for now.

Thanks for your comments. Have a safe and happy 4th of July!

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