mitsubishi BD2G Dozer

I just noticed the track rail chains are worn out and need replaced. Where have some of you guys found to buy yours? To rebuild looks like a TON of welding. Is that even do-able. Also, I see that rubber tracks are available. Any suggestions or experience with those on a small dozer? Thanks
Call a GOOD undercarriage dealer and they'll usually be able to match something up that has the same pitch. Rails aren't really something you weld up. I did UC work for a number of years from small ditch witch machines to PC750 excavators and D375 dozers. Not fun work, hard work, but I am getting rusty on some of it since I've gotten out of that line of work on a daily basis. Double check the specs, but if I remember correctly, on those small Mitsubishi dozers, they are able to use a Komatsu D21 dozer rail. Like I said, been a long time, but it seems that's what fit on those.

I have a BG2F and I think the under carriage will be the same. I had the under carriage rebuilt about 9 years ago. I bought the parts from Rhine Equipment located in Tacoma WA. I purchased rails, track shoes etc. They were pricey but new. Their phone number is 253-536-0600 and email If you have rocks I would stay away from rubber tracks.
only cure for worn out rails is new ones. Nortrak in Nashville Tn. is where I got mine -JD 550G.
Take your new sprocket rims and line them up on the old sprockets. Then either clamp or tack weld the new sprocket to the old one and use it for a template to cut off the old one. Make sure you make a hash mark across both pieces to line it back up when you go to weld it back on. Then do it like a truck rim with clamps on it, tack one side, set a block of wood next to that spot, then turn it slowly and tack the opposite side, work your way around it. Pretty easy job, good luck!
Frank, I am in Nashville and have a BD2G with powershift and am having trouble mainly with 1 gear reverse. No power. Any ideas?
Byron Boyd

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