Modern telescoping 3pt lift arms on Yanmar 1401D possible?


my ford 850 gonna git the dim mak
Will be attaching a landscape rake soon to this little bugger and I thought itd real peachy if I had more room before the caboose on the demure yanmar 1401D!

with the 3pt lift arms being able to telescope in and out Id solve for being able to wrastle more detritus, is there a kit available on ebay/amazon that would allow for this? Id rather try and avoid buying a half dozen mystery pieces and hope I can jimmy them together if theres some kinda kit available instead...
Also, would it be completely frowned upon, if I got a clamp-on 2" hitch receiver, and attached an extension receiver on the needle rake and attached that to the front loader bucket???

would that harm the delicate cylinders on the iddy biddy allied loader? Id think the mass of brush cut detritus wouldnt harm it too much.....

this could also work for attaching a scraper blade to the loader bucket--for some light forward dozering since this tractor is demure as it is why not just use the front as well?


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