Moving manure

Charlie M

Well-known Member
Been a couple of posts lately of people moving manure so thought I would get in on the action. My neighbor down the road has a couple of beef cows at his mothers place and wanted to move a manure pile. The Kubota with the loader is his, the M and the spreader is mine. The spreader is a New Idea I fixed up a few years ago and just painted red but to the guy wanting the pile moved it used to belong to his grandfather so he is thrilled to see it run again. We moved about 6 loads of really nicely composted manure until the apron chain broke. We were probably adding a little too much weight for the old chain. I had a couple of links and got it up and running again. He's going to give me a couple of loads for my garden this weekend.
Spreading manure.jpg
We had an old 213or 214 not sure anymore which it was. It has a 67 chain and you could get a 67H which was a heavier chain according to chain charts at the time. No the links will not interchange since the slit for the link to go through is slightly different for the heavier chain. You could put the lighter chain in the heavier but not the other way around.

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